Learning Activity 1-A-1
Language Development Theory
Assignment Objective
Explain some of the common theories of language development and relate specific examples from your experiences to those theories.
20 Points Rubric
This activity establishes your current view of reading theories. It also helps you and your classmates get to know one another. Click Discussions and introduce yourself to your classmates. Be sure to include general information that will establish a connection with others, such as where you live, what grades and subjects you teach, and your experience with teaching beginning readers.
- List two books, one narrative (fiction), and one expository text (nonfiction), that you would select for your students. Explain why you chose these books.
- Choose a theory of language development, discussed in the Key Information, and explain why you believe it best explains how children learn language. Offer examples from your own experiences.
- List some of your fears or challenges with teaching reading to beginners and describe what you wish to get out of this class.
- Read all of the introductions made by your classmates and respond to at least two of them; one who applies a theory in a way you generally support and one who prefers a theory that challenges your way of thinking. Look for ideas and approaches that you have not considered and describe how you might be able to use these in your classroom.
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